Monday, June 8, 2009

I Will Fight You

I'm about to puch a bitch. Where are the jobs? I wonder this out loud as my frustration brews. Here I am: young, dynamic, disease-free; yet unable to land that 30 large. Hmmm...I'll fight someone, because I know I've got the employment goods. If I sound brash, its because I'm bitter. I just forked out my hard-earned, state-given funds to CU, only to be thrust out into the worst economic crisis since the roaring 20s. It's like, by the beard of Zeus, I've been destined to struggle financially. But, I tell you, you great greek basterd, I'm coming out of this funk with a vengeance. And I'll make the best darndest advertising you've ever seen. I'm talking Clio shit. Boiiiiiiiiii....

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